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發(fā)布時間:2018年04月11日 17:46:32 評論 · 6156瀏覽

《楚門的世界》(the Truman Show)這是部好電影,然而我卻錯過了它好多年,直到最近才抽空得以觀賞。楚門是一檔火爆全球的真人秀節(jié)目主人公,從他的出生到三十歲,他的生活每日二十四小時的被實時直播。 每日起床刷牙洗臉,對著鏡子裝酷扮帥,楚門上班,下班回家,洗澡上廁所睡覺,圍繞著他的是五千多個無處不在的攝像頭。

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為什么所有人阻止他離開小島?因為他活在一檔真人秀里,要是主角沒了,這個真人秀就歇菜了。在這個真人秀里,所有人都是演員,包括從小到大的死黨,妻子,父母,鄰居,公司同事,路人甲ABCD, 全世界都知道真相,除了楚門。他所生活的世界一個虛構的用于觀賞的理想國。他生活的小島叫seaheaven. 甚至這個島也不是真的小島,而是一個巨大的拍攝片場,月亮和太陽也不是真的,而是巨大的打光燈。

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最后,他終于發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的人生只是一個被拍攝供大眾娛樂 的直播秀,于是勇敢地突破對海水對外面未知世界的恐懼走出了片場。這場直播了三十年的真人秀終于結束了。

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《楚門的世界》立意深刻,看完不禁讓人恐懼又引人深思。我們所生活的世界究竟是個怎樣的世界?大眾對別人的隱私津津樂道,每天看楚門的吃喝拉撒就心滿意足。一個人得多閑,多精神空虛才能日復一日地看別人睡覺上廁所,吃飯睡覺。對于窺探楚門的隱私,看他活在一個虛假的世界里,沒有人為此覺得不安和愧疚。雖然導演在楚門將要踏出片場大門時對他說:Truman. There's no more truth out there than there is in the world I created for you. Same lies. The same deceit. But in my world, you have nothing to fear. I know you better than you know yourself.

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1Was anything real?


2、We're tired of pyrotechnics and special effects.


3、He was born in front of a live audience.


4Dice me, slice me or peel me?


5、The world stood still for that stolen kiss.


6、Please, don't listen to him. He's gonna lie to you.


7、You were real. That's what made you so good to watch


8、We accept the reality of the world with which we're presented.


9、Next time he'll be charged.


10、Let me out. lf you want to destroy yourself, do it on your own.


11、guess what l'm saying is that life is fragile.


12、But the point is, l'd gladly walk in front of traffic for you.


13、No way, mister.You're going to the top of this mountain, broken legs and all.


14、Full of laughter, love, pain, sadness,but ultimately, redemption.


15、some birds arent meant to be caged, thats all. Their feathers are just too bright


16l stayed up all night in your tent so,you could play North Pole.And l got pneumonia.


17、And as he grew, so did the technology. A human life,recorded on a network of hidden cameras and broadcast live.


18、Good morning, and in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!


19、I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life. The world, the place you live in, is the sick place.


20、You don't have to leave home to discover what the world is about.we learn that no one is poor who has friends.


21、What right do you have to turn a baby's life into a mockery.

——你無權把一個生命 當成一場秀。

22、lf his was more than a vague ambition, if he was determined,to discover the truth, there's no way we could prevent him.


23、All right. Promise me one thing, though.lf l die before the summit, use me as an alternative source of food.


24、Network Executive: For God's sake, Chris! The whole world is watching. We can't let him die in front of a live audience!

——Network Executive: 看在上帝的份上,Chris!全世界都看著呢。我們不能讓他當眾死亡!

25I predict that, in just a moment,we'll see a lady on a red bike,followed by a man with flowers and a Volkswagen with a dented fender.


26、l've been your best friend since we were seven.We got through school by cheating off each other's test papers.Jesus, they were identical.


27Who hasn't sat in the john and had an imaginary interview on TV? Who hasn't wanted To be somebody?


28、But l always felt safe knowing that.Because whatever the answer was, we were right or wrong together.


29、While the world he inhabits is in some respects, counterfeit. There's nothing fake about Truman himself.


30、When it's like everything's slipping away You don't want to believe it, so you look for answers somewhere else, but well the point is, I would gladly step in front of traffic for you.


31、Things haven't worked out for us like we used to dream they would.l know what that feeling's like. Everything slipping away.You don't want to believe it, so you look for answers somewhere else.


32、TRUMAN:Who are you?

TRUMAN:And who am I?

CHRISTOF:I am the creatorof a television show that gives hope and joy and inspiration to millions.

CHRISTOF: You're the star.

TRUMAN:Was nothing real?

CHRISTOF:YOU were real. That's what made you so good to watch. Listen to me, Truman. There's no more truth out there than there is in the world I created for you. Same lies. The same deceit. But in my world, you have nothing to fear. I know you better than you know yourself.

TRUMAN:You never had a camera in my head!

CHRISTOF:You're afraid. That's why you can't leave. It's okay, Truman. I understand. I have been watching you your whole life. I was watching when you were born. I was watching when you took your first step. I watched you on your first day of school. heh heh. The episode when you lost your first tooth. heh heh heh. You can't leave, Truman. You belong here…With me. Talk to me. Say something. 'ell, say something, goddamnit! You're on television! You're live to the whole world!

TRUMAN:In case I don't see ya', good afternoon, good evening and goodnight. Hahaha! Yeah!











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