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發(fā)布時間:2018年05月05日 18:46:59 評論 · 4449瀏覽




In the process of translation, choose the target sentence, complex long sentences into simple statements. Although the original sentence pattern is very long, it can be changed to the simple sentence with the simplest grammatical structure, the basic semantic remains unchanged, the conjunctions and so on removed, and some words are changed into synonyms and synonyms. Change the length of the sentence with English to express more complex concepts, use different Chinese to use a number of phrases, structured explanation.




No matter English or Chinese narration, elaboration of a thing, according to a certain logical order, step by step expression, which may include: the movement of the first time, the place of conversion, spatial transformation and the normal development of the order of the truth . These expressions also exist in Chinese habits which also exist directly under the meaning of the original text can be divided into sub-conditions can be expressed. The general development of things is generally similar, according to the fact that the progressive relationship between translation, will not go wrong. At the same time keep consistent with the original content, there is no ambiguity in line with Chinese expression habits.



English and Chinese have their own unique grammatical structure, the sentence will always have some of their own fixed expression or fixed collocation, the reasons for the long sentence in English, the general is the use of complex or clause, and related adjectives, adverbial adverbs and so on More modified components, in addition to the syntax of the parallel structure. For such a sentence, the sentence needs to be dismantled. At the same time Super sister sentence should pay attention to, first of all, hold the backbone of the sentence unchanged, the core of the sentence separately to keep the sentence composition is complete, the rest of the attributive, adverbial, appositive, attributive clause, adverbial clause part can be translated, Chinese expression habits.



In English long sentences, there are three parallel predicate structures and one attributive clause. These three parallel predicate structures have independent meanings even though they all belong to the same sentence in structure, so they can be used in translation In fact, when translating an English long sentence, it is not merely to use a translation method, but to ask us to put all kinds of sentences into different kinds The method is used in combination, which is also reflected in our example above


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