學習英語的人,但凡單詞量太少,這個最基礎的地基不牢固 ,就會嚴重影響英語的各個板塊的學習,聽說讀寫發(fā)展都會受到影響。太多英語學習者在歷經多次反復背誦,反復記憶,再忘了的階段,對所背誦的詞匯,背住一次,做了幾次鞏固,最后還是遺忘,還有一些抖機靈的的學生自認為掌握了記憶的訣竅,不知機械記憶能在短時間內生效,死記硬背下來的單詞,過幾天幾乎絕大多數(shù)被遺忘。
Most students like to use a long time to back words, but the effect is very poor. First of all, chunk time back word is actually a dominant mechanical memory process, it is not a natural memory method; Second, prolonged boring word memory is easy to cause hypnotic effect, so that when the word back more difficult . Therefore, it is recommended that you summarize their own daily fragmented time based on their actual situation。
Many persons took the cycle of the word back too long to forget the front in the back, and even many words that we thought we had remembered were still forgotten after we finished the book. So, try to repeat the words you've seen before they diminish to reinforce their impressions in the brain, and 7 days happens to be the cycle of memory fading. We can divide according to the total amount of words that need to be memorized, and get the amount of words to be reviewed repeatedly every day.
200-300 words need to be memorized every day, it is impossible to remember them all at once. So, just like the process of natural memory, we only need to read these words repeatedly each day and think of them in the brain like movies , At the same time according to the phonetic correctly read out on such a repeat can be carried out 4-6 times a day the best. In fact, these words have been continuously strengthened in the cerebral cortex during our repeated reading.
Scribbled words are a favorite method used by many of their classmates and often accumulate a thick stack of scratch-paper drafts, but doing so greatly increases the amount of work that word memory does, and the brain does not have simultaneous memory when writing words, in effect Did not produce memory effect
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